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Outreach and Natural History


Interviews, Podcasts, Presentations


"Bilimde Kadın Gücü: Cumhuriyet Döneminde Türk Bilim Kadınlarının Hikayesi” interview /Müsemma Sabancıoğlu + Gönenç Göçmengil at the Açık Radyo, "Antroposen Sohbetler" hosted by Prof. Dr. Utku Perktaş, December-2023

* "Exhibiting and Collecting Nature” interview at the Açık Radyo, "Müzelik Sohbetler" hosted by Emel Gülşah Akın ve Ayça Bayrak Uluğ, July- 2022

*How alien is Anatolia to its own natural history?” interview at the Açık Radyo, "Antroposen Sohbetler" hosted by Prof. Dr. Utku Perktaş February-2022

* “History of the Natural History: Natural History Museums in Ottoman Empire”, career seminar day at Muğla University, Geological Engineering Department, 2021

* "Past, now and future of the Anatolia Collage Natural History Museum Collection" @ İstanbul Technical University, Eurasian Earth Sciences Conference Series, 2018

Natural History Studies


Centre de Sciences Naturelles; Saint-Joseph Private French High School Istanbul, Turkey; 2016-2018


Saint-Joseph Private French High School contains a very large collection of natural history specimens which were collected mostly by "Fréres" of the high school since 1870s. Despite very good order of quadrupeds, birds, insects and plant collection; rock and mineral specimens were generally out of order. Since 2016,  I and the head of the Centre de Sciences Naturelles; Ahmet Birsel working on the classification and curation of the minerals and rocks and re-establish the exhibition of the solid earth -rock mineral section of the museum.



Tarsus American Collage, Earth Sciences Exhibition, Mersin, Turkey, 2018

Collection in the Tarsus American Collage has been gathered by the staff of the Anatolia Collage in Merzifon between 1880-1915 mainly by Prof. Tracy and Prof. Manissadjiyan. The old collection moved to Tarsus American Collage in 1938 but majority of them given to other institutions, destroyed or lost till the 2016. The graduates of the school found the remaining parts of the collection and trying to build a permanent natural history exhibition place. They hope to transform the collection to a fully operated natural history museum in future. I am currently working on minerals, rocks and fossils of the collection. Graduates Şeref Etker, Semih Bilgin, Nihat Taner are leading the project and Prof. Nurdan İnan, Prof Selim İnan, Prof. Atike Nazik, Prof. Cengiz Kazak, Prof Kamil Kurut were also work on the classification of the specimens. Collection in the Tarsus American Collage has been gathered by the staff of the Anatolia Collage in Merzifon between 1880-1915 mainly by Prof. Tracy and Prof. Manissadjiyan. The old collection moved to Tarsus American Collage in 1938 but majority of them given to other institutions, destroyed or lost till the 2016. The graduates of the school found the remaining parts of the collection and trying to build a permanent natural history exhibition place. They hope to transform the collection to a fully operated natural history museum in future. I am currently working on minerals, rocks and fossils of the collection. Graduates Şeref Etker, Semih Bilgin, Nihat Taner are leading the project.



Siverek Başbük Köyü İlk-Orta Okulu Şanlıurfa Natural Sciences Collection, Turkey, 2020

Başbük Köyü İlkorta Okulu is a small vilage school that build a natural sciences from the scratch. The School teacher Ahmet Yılmaz and his students collect various mineral, fosil and natural science objects. I helped them to identfy various rocks and fossils. The story of their magnificent effort by documented by TRT Belgesel

The fossil  findings from the school staff and students were announced in the media, and I also gave an interview in the local and nationwide newspaper and websites


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