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2019- 2021 Master of Science Thesis, "Darüşşafaka’nın Doğa Tarihi Koleksiyonunun Bilim Tarihi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi" by, Özge Hazar, Istanbul University, History of Science Department. (Co-advisor with Prof. Dr. Feza Günergun) ////  Currently Research assistant and PhD Student at the Istanbul University, History of Science Department




Undergrad and postgrad courses at the History of Science Department, Istanbul University, Turkey.

From 2023- ongoing



BİLT7012- Science of Antropocene


BİLT7006 - Environmental History and Science




BITA1018 - Uygarlıklar Tarihi - I (History of Civilizations - I )

BITA3021 - Yerbilimleri Tarihi (History of Earth Sciences)

BITA4106 - Bilim ve Teknoloji Koleksiyonları Tarihi-  I (History of Science and Technology Collections - 1)

BITA 2102- Selected Topic in History of Science


BITA1021 - Uygarlıklar Tarihi - II (History of Civilizations - II )

BITA4107 - Dijital Beşeri Bilimler - (Digital Humanities)

BITA4110 - Bilim ve Teknoloji Koleksiyonları Tarihi-  II (History of Science and Technology Collections - II)


BITA1014 - Eskiçağda Bilim ve Teknik II (Science and Technology in Ancient Times)

BITA1015 - Türkiye'de Bilim ve Teknoloji Mirası (Science and Technology Heritage in Turkey)

BITA4036 - Cumhuriyet ve Bilim Semineri (Republic and Science Seminer)


2019    (across one year)

          Tutor, TUBITAK Education project called: "Rock Associations of Turkey" for students of the Kocaeli Derince High School (fieldwork, fossil hunting, and public seminars)



          Teaching Assistant for the courses called, Petrology, Optical Mineralogy, Mineralogy, Field Geology for the departments of Geological Engineering, Mining Engineering and Geophysical Engineering Departments at the Faculty of Mines, Istanbul Technical University

I taught and graded individual courses for 2 hours/week with 20 students on average. I collaborated in the syllabi and exam prep and grading.


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